If you’re living with minor dental issues, thinking that they would be too expensive to have resolved, think again! Dental bonding is not only an excellent way to resolve many minor dental problems; it’s also surprisingly affordable. And there’s even more good news: bonding is a simple procedure that can usually be done in a single trip to the dentist’s office. Bonding is often used to repair cracked or chipped teeth, misshapen teeth, teeth that have been worn down, badly stained teeth, misaligned teeth, or to fill wide gaps in between teeth. If you live in or around the Austin, Texas area and are wondering if dental bonding is right for you, we’ve compiled the following information about dental bonding and the before and after results of this remarkable dental procedure.
Before Dental Bonding: What You Should Know

The first step in finding out more about dental bonding and whether or not you would be a good candidate for this procedure is to contact your dentist and schedule an appointment. Your dental provider can do an oral exam and tell you for sure whether or not bonding is the best choice to resolve your dental issues. Keep in mind that although bonding is often a great choice for minor problems, if you have more significant issues your dentist may recommend another procedure.
The material used in dental bonding is composite resin, and while it’s a relatively durable substance, it’s not as strong as the material used in other restorations (such as crowns and veneers, for example). For that reason, bonding usually works best on teeth with low bite pressure, like those in the front of the mouth. Teeth that you rely on to do most of your chewing – in other words, the molars at the back of the mouth – are typically not good candidates for bonding.
The Bonding Procedure
Once you and your dentist determine that bonding is the right choice for you, the procedure can usually be completed in just a single appointment. The process begins with your dentist gently roughing the surface of the teeth that will be bonded. Once that’s completed, the dentist will mix the composite resin bonding material in a shade that exactly matches your natural tooth color. When it’s ready, the dentist will then apply the bonding material to the surface of your teeth, making whatever repairs are needed. The final step in the process occurs when the dentist uses a specially designed curing light to harden the composite resin. Most patients say that the procedure is virtually painless. At the end of your visit, you’ll enjoy one or more repaired teeth that look absolutely perfect and completely natural!
After Dental Bonding: What You Should Know
Dental Bonding Compared to Other Restorations
While dental bonding is often an excellent choice to repair minor dental issues, it may not be the best choice for everyone. Here are some important facts to keep in mind when comparing bonding to other types of dental restorations.
- The best candidates for dental bonding are people who are relatively careful with their teeth. We mentioned earlier that you may end up damaging or staining a bonded tooth if you’re not careful. That’s why your own personal habits can make you either a good candidate for bonding or not. If you routinely like to eat hard candy, for instance, or if you smoke cigarettes or drink a lot of coffee, you might be better off with another type of restoration. Crowns are among the strongest restorations, for example, and porcelain veneers are stain-resistant and more durable than dental bonding.
- Bonding doesn’t last as long as other types of restorations. While it’s true that bonding can last up to 10 years if you’re careful, veneers can last 15 years or even longer for some people. And crowns can last decades if they’re well cared for.
- Bonding works well for teeth with minor damage that are located in the front of the mouth. But if you have more significant damage, or if the affected tooth is a molar, you might be better off with porcelain veneers or a new crown.
- Although bonding is relatively inexpensive compared to other types of restorations, it is typically considered to be a cosmetic dental procedure. That means that your dental insurance might not cover your dental bonding procedure.
The only way you can know for sure whether or not you’re a good candidate for dental bonding is by contacting your Austin, Texas dentist today and scheduling an appointment. Countless dental patients from across the country have enjoyed the beautiful results of bonding! But whether it’s dental bonding or some other dental procedure, it’s important to have any dental issues resolved as quickly as possible. If you choose to simply live with the problem, your minor issue could turn into something major, and the faster you have it resolved, the easier and less expensive it will be. Talk to your dentist to find out more about dental bonding before and after results.